Changes the crosshair (while walking or stand still) into a static dot, not chaning all other crosshair animations.
NOTE: First time you play will need to AIM once with a weapon to enable it (simply press aim button once will change the current or dotted crosshair to the stable modded one). Should work instantly with savegames made while this mod was present.
My SweetFX Preset used: ☀Lostis – IMPROVED Lights ☀ FINAL
UPDATE V1.1: Fixed 1st person.
Check out my other crosshair Mod(s):
20151130_Lostis_Minimalistic_Crosshair_HUD-Interface_V2.1.rar — Barely noticeable crosshair without any shape changes in any cases
20151202_Lostis_Minimalistic_DOT-Crosshair_HUD-Interface_V2.1_B.rar Changes all cases of crosshair and aiming animation to a static dot
20151203_Lostis_Minimalistic_DOT-instead_of_Crosshair_V2.1_C.rar Changes the huge crosshair while walking or stand sill into a not changing dot, like aiming or unweaponed one. Not changing the other crosshair animations. Just a STATIC dot instead of a changing cross!!!
(near this mod, only difference is that the other animations will have a dot in the middle, check screenshots to compare)
UPDATE V1.2: just a coding fix, not changing your gameplay/mod but may prevent problems caused by not logical values.
Set bEnableFileSelection to 1 in Fallout4Prefs.ini (C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Fallout4 and C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Fallout4)
Extract archive to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\
(SAVE YOUR hudmenu.swf to reactivate your old mod if this is not the mod you want to have)
delete C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\hudmenu.swf
(and rename your saved hudmenu.swf if there is one)