This set of bat files allows you to build settlements without the worry of:
Gathering Resources
Perk Requiremets
Not being able to jump to the upper floor of your building
Falling your building and dieing
CarryWeight Limit
What this batch does:
Sets jump height to 3x the default. This allows easy access the the upper floors of your buildings
Adds 10k health to prevent death from accidental falls
Adds 50mil to the weightlimit
Gives 10k of each resource and crop. 1mil, 100k and 1k are also available.
Gives all perks, at max ranks, related to crafting/building
To install:
Copy to /steam/steamapps/common/Fallout4
How to use:
Open Console
bat CreativeModeEnable or bat CME
For another supply of resources:
Open Console
bat CreativeModeResources or bat CMR
Feel free to make suggestions on things to add or improvements to make!
Note: The higher the amount of resources, the longer it will take for the script to run. Your game may stall for a couple of minutes when running the larger amounts and may experience smaller stalls while building. This is due to the engine trying to process a huge amount of items; one of the reasons why there is a weight limit in the game.