Fallout Texture Overhaul Moons

My second overhaul for fallout 4 with more overhauls to come.

Overhauls the moons in fallout 4 to high res with a choice to choose between 4K,2K and 1K moons.

Whats different?
Up to 8x the resolution for the moons
Normalmap and diffuse together to give more depth and pops the craters on the moons.
fixes bugs as the awful line around the moons when not full moon.
Small subtle moon rays around the glow
Lore Friendly

My other mod:
I’ve made a star texture that fits very well as well with the vanilla moons, you can find my other mod here:
Fallout Texture Overhaul Stars

Feel free to add as much images as you want and if you like the mod, endorse
or vote it so other people can find it and also encourage me to

Edit sResourceDataDirsFinal in your fallout4.ini
located here:
%userprofile%\Documents\My Games\Fallout4

How it should look:
sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\

Extract the zip to your data folder. There should be a folder named textures and inside it a sky folder.

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