Starstruck Companions is a Follower Affection tweak.
It removes the negative affection for all actions, removes the CD on affection gain, and speeds up the affection gain process.
Versions: (USE ONLY ONE .ESP)
No CD: Removes Cooldown from companion affection gain.
No CD No Haters: Removes Cooldown from companion affection gain. Removed negative affection. (Gain +1 on negative actions)
Double Vanilla: Removes Cooldown from companion affection gain. Removed negative affection. Doubles postive affection gain.
Accelerated: Removes Cooldown from companion affection gain. Removed negative affection. Vastly accelerates affection gain.
Extreme: Removes Cooldown from companion affection gain. Removed negative affection. Any interaction (even negative) will make you Idolized.
Use the FOMOD Installer.
Put it in your Data directory and enable it.